HEK-2cells should be grown in a complete SFMII growth medium supplemented with mM L-glutamine. Cells that are difficult to detach may be placed at 37°C to facilitate dispersal. L of complete growth medium and aspirate cells by gently pipetting.
Add appropriate aliquots of the cell suspension to new culture vessels. Incubate cultures at 37°C.
HEK-Zellen ist die abgekürzte Bezeichnung für Human Embryonic Kidney-Zellen, menschliche embryonale Nierenzellen (HEK). HEK -2cells are useful for many transfection. Diese Zelllinie wird auch als HEK-2oder 293-Zellen bezeichnet. HEK-Zellen werden in der Zellbiologie seit vielen Jahren als vergleichsweise einfach zu handhabende Zelllinie eingesetzt. Cells detach easily at room temperature or during transit, therefore growing cultures may be received with cells in suspension.
In this event, centrifuge contents of flask and reseed to allow re-attachment of cells. These cells should be frozen in DMSO : FCS.
Cell Culture, Plating, and Transfection. Phenol red containing DMEM may be used during cell culture, but should be removed during any live cell microscopy assay as the phenol red contributes significantly to background fluorescence.